Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Thrower Philosophical Code - Part II

42.  BRAIN TRANSPLANTS NOT POSSIBLE.  Learn to think and reason for yourself, and examine and follow your own convictions.  It will help you to be more solid on ideological grounds.  Purge conditioned thinking if you have doubts, and don't believe everything you're told until you discern it is acceptable.

43.  DO-IT-YOURSELF OR LEARN.  Be as self-sufficient as possible, and learn things that will aid in self-sufficiency.  You can never learn too much, but you can know too little.  The latter will be to your disadvantage.

44.  BE A HURRICANE, STAY AT SEA.  It is quite valid and realistic to lose your temper on occasion, but avoid embarrassment doing so.  Vent out of range, cool off, and after doing so, you can think more rationally to deal with the situation in a more civil manner.

45.  GOOD WORKS GET GOOD RESULTS.  Know how to account for your actions and explain yourself.  If you are wrong, be quick to admit it; if you are justified, know why and how to back it up.  The goal is not to argue to win, but arguing to convince, and should the situation require stress your point repeatedly.

46.  ZIP YOUR LIP.  Don't divulge what you are told in confidence.  Also, observe situations, and one day this will provide you with the information you need ifyou stay quiet enough until necessity deems otherwise.

47.  DON'T BE LEFT HOLDING THE BAG.  If you are given an unnecessary expense by someone and you do not feel liable for it, don't pay it because it is not yours to be concerned about.

48.  A CLOSED EYE IS A WINDOW INTO THE SOUL.  Take your dreams seriously, write them down, and reflect on them - they could tell you something about yourself should you be open to finding it out.

49.  RECLAIM LOST TERRITORY.  If something has impacted you in a mjor way, track it down and procure it.  It can be a stimuli to awaken a memory or desire you may have that could be buried in the deepest recesses of your mind.  This could include a book, object, poem, song, etc.

50.  ATMOSPHERE BIRTHS INSPIRATION EQUALS CREATIVITY.  To be creative in the written word, the arts, etc., it is often necessary to have the proper atmosphere.  Certain music, the color of a room, a profound television show, etc., could aid in this.  As a result, what you produce will be a more quality product.

51.  CONCEPT IS PARAMOUNT!  When learning some new discipline, association via key words, etc., is essential.  You will learn better, but it will require good listening.  If developed properly, little study is necessary.  Also, learn to listen while performing another task, such as listening and watching television at the same time.

52.  FIND THE MISSING LINK.  Associate, make comparisons, and fit things you acquire into your overall world view. 

53.  HONOR WORTHY ANCESTORS.   Know your heritage, stress its good points, and be realistic about its flaws.  Remember, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and your forebears' mistakes are theirs and not yours to worry about, but make life applications from them regardless.

54.  ACCEPT ADVICE, IGNORE CONDESCENSION.  It is a fundamental difference in motivation.  Know motivation, and you will know the difference.

55.  DIG ROOTS.  For any interest, go as far back as you can;  it makes the whole spectrum much more interesting. 

56.  KNOW YOUR ABILITIES BUT DO NOT ACCEPT FLATTERY.   People who flatter have ulterior motives.  One who truly acknowledges your abilities will seek to contribute to them.

57.  PREPARE FOR THE WORST, BUT COUNT ON THE BEST.  Do not worry about outcome, but have good outlook.   You are prepared either way.

58.  EACH PIGEON HAS ITS OWN HOLE.    Classify, organize, and have a place for everything.

59.  IT IS FINE TO BE WOUNDED BUT DON'T BE A CASUALTY.   In adverse circumstance, give time for recovery and move on.

60.  ALL DOUGHNUTS HAVE THE SAME HOLE, BUT SOME AND/OR TOO MANY WILL MAKE YOU ILL.  Stay faithful to your mate, and a monogamous, heterosexual sacramental union of marriage is the divine order of things, and the only appropriate setting for such relations.  Infidelity, perversion, and other deviations from that are destructive and cost much.

Do not cheat or help others do so.  Seek to learn by searching things out rather than having them dished out to you.  It is a timely process, but better to find out slowly on your own rather than having the "quick fix".

62.  A PRINCE IS NOT TO BE HELPED BY A PAUPER.  Do not allow assistance to be rendered unto you by the indigent - he may know better in certain areas, but there is always a more credible source of aid.

63.  THE BUSH IS BEATEN WHEN THE TRAIL IS NOT.  It is sometimes more necessary to find the path of purpose rather than go about it blindly.  You could be led in the wrong direction if not careful.

64.  A MURKY WELL IS UNFIT TO DRINK.  In areas of philosophical, political, and theological disciplines, caution must be taken as to whom you choose to listen - dangerous ideology is easily accessed, but fatal if swallowed.   A discerning mind and spirit in these areas is essential.  Being informed is a must.

65.  PRINCES AND PRESIDENTS - POPULARITY IS NOT INTEGRITY!! Fallible humanity makes for fallible government, and a completely honest leadership does not exist.  Indeed, a certain amount of dishonesty may be essential in those disciplines.  However, a leader must not make promises he cannot deliver on, as this is failure's embryo.  And, he must not indulge information if it hinders the sanctity of his constituency, nor should he cause unnecessary panic.   At the same time, he should not keep from the people what benefits them.

66.  AVOID CONFLICT, OPPOSE CIVILLY.  Though it is often necessary to address concerns, if the opposing party appears to be beyond reason, it is best to not argue with ignorance and handle in a more constructive manner.   Vocalizing to such people will only waste valuable time and result in unnecessary conflict that could have been avoided.

67.  UNDERDOGS PREFERABLE TO OVERLORDS.  It is honorable to come to the aid of those who are oppressed and persecuted, especially for those who suffer in obscurity.  Public opinion ignores their plight, and your advocacy will impact them for the better and they will be encouraged by your interest. 


These are some of my "pearls" of wisdom I have come to learn over the years, and Lord knows I have much more to go.  A combination of my various roots - as an Appalachian-American of Swiss Anabaptist, French Huguenot, and Spanish Anusim descent - has shaped much of what you have just read, as I have seen these beliefs and values reflected in the legacy of many of my forebears.  Also, I continue to assert the lost art of  
nobless oblige as well, and this has shaped what I hold true today also.   Take what I say for what it's worth, because it is a personal code that is not meant to be enforced on others but rather I live by it personally.  If you benefit from it too, that is good as well, but it is mostly just to share and help people understand better how I personally communicate.  Thanks for reading.

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