Monday, April 2, 2012

Musings, Thoughts, and Other Sound-Offs.

I am not exactly sure where to start this time around as I begin this new discourse of my thoughts, but some things do have to be said that I have been pondering, so I am going to just "jump in" and see where it goes.

To start, anyone remember that preacher that used to be on TV some years back, Dr. Gene Scott?  I remember him being on late at night, and to be honest, he cracked me up!  Although highly-educated and generally orthodox in his doctrine (he did hold to some wacky stuff like pyramidology and Anglo-Israelism, but we won't hold it against him!), oftentimes his flamboyant personality, goofy hats, cussing, and stogie-puffing characterized him more than his academic and theological achievements.  I don't really advocate the guy at all - he could be a challenge to watch as he cussed and harangued his audience, and was a little too acid-tongued for me - there are a couple of observations I wanted to note.   For one, you couldn't call the man a hypocrite.  Basically, when you watched Gene Scott, what you saw was what you got, without pretentions (cussing, stogies, and all!).  Second, I have to say I have a lot more respect for Scott than I do some of these ding-dongs on religious television today, as for one thing he was more doctrinally orthodox than some of them, and he was also more real - again, what you saw was what you got, and there was no pretension with the man.  So, if I were given a choice of only two ministers to watch or listen to, and they were Rick Warren or Dr. Scott, then Dr. Scott would be be my choice hands-down.   I would take Dr. Scott's cussing over Warren's apostasy anyday - at least Scott preached the Cross!   Plus, he was a heck of a lot more entertaining to watch - you certainly didn't get bored watching Dr. Scott, that is for sure!  Any rate, just a couple of thoughts about that.  Gene Scott was to preachers, in short, much like Gordon Ramsay is to chefs - his work is gold but his language is blue! 

Also, I want to talk about the current situation with this Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman issue that seems to have dominated the news, and what I personally feel about this will probably open cans of worms on both sides of the issue.  First off, I want to say that it is tragic that a death had to happen, and perhaps Zimmerman was too willing to play hero, but I also think that Zimmerman may have had some justifications to his actions.   First off, when you have a Black kid shlepping through a neighborhood looking like a thug in one of those stupid-looking "hoodie" things, it is bound to arouse suspicions.  And, to quell a protest, this observation is not based on race - too many White kids look stupid like that too these days!  And, although the case has been made that the kid was making a run for Skittles and sweet tea that late at night, something doesn't jive with the facts - first off, what IDIOT of a parent would let their kids be out unattended like that in the first place??  Secondly, being dressed like a thug and out at late hours like that doesn't look good.   Third, this Martin kid has some history of lookng like a "gangsta" and acting like an ass, so there you go.  As for Zimmerman, the man was accused of a racially-based "hate crime," yet some facts came out on that too.  For one, Zimmerman is a Latino, not white.  Second, Zimmerman was a left-of-center Democrat politically who voted for Obama - to call someone like this "racist" would be like making a case that Byron de la Beckwith and Martin Luther King Jr. were golfing buddies!  Yet, there are some individuals - including the evil trinity of Obama, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson - who seem to play the "race" card with everything, and they are exploiting this like no one's tomorrow.  What is so interesting about these idiots though is that they never spoke out against Planned Parenthood, which itself has murdered far more Black children than Zimmerman ever did, and its founder, Margaret Sanger, was an avowed evolutionist and racist whose main goal was the eradication of what she termed "human weeds" in order to make way for a race of her ideal "human thoroughbreds."   And, it is appalling that despite the evidence that exists substantiating these facts, the "plantation pimps" like Obama, Sharpton, and Jackson (not to mention Julian Bond, Jeremiah "Kill Whitey" Wright, and others like them) kiss Planned Parenthood's corporate butt.   Another issue is South Sudan - over the decades, MILLIONS of Black African Christians have been killed by Islamic extremists there, and yet it is interesting that Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama were not only silent about it, but actually buddied up with the terrorists killing these people!  A question was asked concerning these people once during the Kosovo mess in 1999 by a South Sudanese activist that needs to be revisited - are White Muslims more valuable than Black Christians?  Maybe if they put those damned "hoodies" on the South Sudanese and made them look like Crips and Bloods, Jackson and the rest of the pimps may have taken notice, no?   Thankfully though we DO have real Black statesmanship in the US - I have nothing but the highest respect for Dr. Alan Keyes, who in my opinion should have been the first Black President of the US rather than that crypto-Islamic Kenyan illegal we have in there now.   Keyes has been staunchly pro-life, and he also was a lone voice of reason speaking up on behalf of South Sudanese Christians being slaughtered by Islamic terrorists (with bin Laden's help, I might add, as he was in Khartoum at the time).  And, in 2009, he showed his character by placing himself in the trenches at Notre Dame when the Obamanazis on campus were unlawfully arresting pro-lifers for protesting Barack Obama's appearance there.  What was interesting about that was one thing - apparently, Obama thinks an octogenarian priest like Fr. Norman Weslin singing Ave Marias while being manhandled by his goons was a greater threat than a street thug like this Trayvon kid, who Obama says would be like his own son (the equivalent to that would have been George W. Bush saying he wanted a son just like Timothy McVay - imagine THAT can of worms being opened!).  Although of course all the facts are not in on that situation (some only God himself knows), I would venture to say at the risk of getting a lot of "hate mail" that this Trayvon kid was not out that late at night just for a pack of Skittles!   And, for our idiot of a President (who bears a striking resemblance to Mr. Potato Head, except the latter has more brains!) is trying to incite a race war in this country over it.   People are unemployed, gas prices are way higher than they should be, and this ding-dong in the White House has his nose stuck in that business!  If we elect this idiot as President again, we are in some big trouble (I wonder how much real estate in Argentina these days is, seriously?).  In short, that whole screwed-up, convoluted mess makes me want to vomit, and another reason why Obama in office is the worst thing America needs now. 

Any rate, that is my spiel for today, and I apologize for getting too emotional - it is just that this issue and others like it have me a bit rattled, as it seems like anything today that disagrees with the establishment is labeled "racist" or something else stupid, and I am tired of it.  That is one of the reasons too why I limit my activities on Facebook and other social media too - they are a lynch mob at times waiting to happen if you voice an opinion people don't like, and it is just wrong.  Anyway, so long until next time.

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