Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Random Thoughts

I don't know why on earth I keep writing, but there are many things that need be said, and sometimes it can be a lot when the inspiration hits and you have to find an outlet to express it.  I have done year-end perspectives already, philosophized until Descartes was almost resurrected, and have been on this continued piecing-together of my story which has gone on now for a number of years.  So, what is left?

Today is the eve of Christmas Eve, and as I am writing here I can say it has been intense this past week.  In addition to Christmas preparations, there was the Archbishop's visit at church, a Metaphysics exam, and I was interviewed by Chelsen Vicari at the Institute on Religion and Democracy in Washington, DC, about the prevalent liberalism which has emerged in the Religion Department of my alma mater.  This latter issue has caused somewhat of a buzz, and I have drawn some fire from people who take issue with what I said - that comes with the territory, and exposing error at a large institution will get you attention to be sure.  And, although I have managed to handle the feedback for the most part, it has also been exhausting - you find out quickly when you write on-line or your name has public exposure that not everyone is going to like what you have to say (go figure, right?).  At the same time, there is this conviction from deep within that tells you "this is right!" and it encourages you to stay the course.  It may mean sacrificing friends (I lost a few over it), but if they were true friends they may have tried to understand your position.  Some other friends feel more action is needed, and may be encouraging you to take some bigger steps that may be beyond what you can handle - one of my friends of many years, a pastor and practicing attorney out on the West Coast, suggested for instance that the faculty of said university should be reported to the district office of the church denomination which operates the university, and although I would agree that some accountability is necessary, there are some things to consider with doing something like that.  For one, if a pastor of a church or a professor in a denominational college is teaching outright heresy, there has to be documented proof of it in order to proceed with a measure like that.   Second, although I know for a fact that some things at that university are being taught that shouldn't be, and have heard it with my own ears, there are others who sat in those classes (many of whom, in my estimation, have not been properly taught the essential beliefs of their own religious tradition) who think that what the professor is saying is gospel truth, and they would easily start hurling stones at me instead - that is a big battle to step into by yourself.   Third, it is also factual that I am not a member (nor have I ever been) of that particular church denomination, and their officials would probably be less likely to take that as seriously.   At this point, the best policy would be to sit tight and let this one play itself out - those who are teaching incorrect agendas will eventually get theirs anyway, so there is no need for me to even fire the proverbial shot on that one.  The thing about something when it is wrong is that the person (or persons in this case) who is responsible for it will eventually snare themselves, so it is a matter of timing - so, I just smile, go on about my business, and take a "wait and see" approach on it.

As mentioned when I did my year-end perspective a couple of weeks back, I have had three books published this year - two bound copies and an e-book.  I am not planning on doing as much writing in the next few years save the occasional articles due to the fact that I am probably going to be very busy with graduate work and that has a lot of time invested in itself.   It doesn't mean I will be stopping all writing for good, as I will on occasion write some articles and such.  However, bigger writing projects - such as new books - will have to wait.  At this point, we are also planning a move in the near future, as I will be doing my Ph.D. work in Naples, FL, and we are anticipating that within the next couple of years as it will only take about 16 months to complete the MA I am working on now.  Suffice to say,  I have a busy few years ahead!

I just wanted to drop a note, and as I wrap it up I only want to say that I hope each of you reading this has a blessed Christmas season, and also keep in mind why we are celebrating it - it is not about Santa Claus, but is about a small child born in a smelly barn two millenia ago who changed many people's lives - and, not just any child, but God Himself come in the flesh to institute a purpose that would allow us to be reconciled to Him.  For those of you who may be Christians, these final couple of days of the Advent season are also a time to reflect on your own story of Christ's work in your lives - don't ever be ashamed of your testimony, because every story of God's working in a person's life is a precious thing, and it is one of your most valued gifts God has given you.  So, God bless, and will probably see you all again in 2015.

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