Monday, November 13, 2017

A New Profitable Industry

Recently, it has occurred to me that there is now a sure-fire way to make a few thousand bucks, and it requires no skill to do it.  As a matter of fact, some of the most lucrative people embarking on this enterprise are sort of air-headed bimbos.   So, what is this great opportunity in which you can be as dumb as a rock and make thousands of dollars?  Apparently, it is sexual allegation cases. 

A few weeks ago, Hollywood was turned on its ear when a noted director, Harvey Weinstein, was accused of molesting people he worked with, many people actually.  Did he do it?  Evidence seems to suggest the possibility, and often the casting couches of Hollyweird directors in the past have been waterfalls of the love-nectar of directors and producers with their stars.  Whether he did what he did or not is not really the issue though - the real issue is the floodgates that opened once one accusation was made public, and now no one is immune from accusations as apparently everyone has been sexually assaulted by someone, at least according to the "mainstream" media.  However, as was the case with the allegations against Bill Cosby, the volume and scope of these accusations is at such a ridiculous level that it doesn't sound right, and just very recently two iconic Republican politicians have been targets of similar allegations.

The first of these is Judge Roy Moore, who just won a Congressional race in his home state of Alabama.  Judge Moore, who is a decent guy, is no stranger to controversy - about 15-20 years ago he was sued over a display of the Ten Commandments in a courthouse which he bought with his own money and donated.  Now, some tart has come forward and besmirched the good judge's name again, just before he officially takes office (oddly coincidental, don't you think?) by accusing him of sexually assaulting her.  It is obvious that this is a smear campaign by the Left, who are now riding on the Weinstein incident's pettycoattails, to discredit a good leader who has the potential of restoring order to this morally disordered nation, and in doing so they have spineless and willing allies in such useless Republican "statesmen" as Mitch McConnell, whose effectiveness as Senate Majority Leader is about as successful as sales of the Edsel in its heyday.  McConnell and his wimpy cohort of Republican "leaders" who said much but have done little have no credibility, and if I were "Stitchy Mitch" I would tread softly - he is not immune either to allegations himself.  All he has to do is cross the wrong press figure, and all of a sudden there will be some curvy tart (probably one of Bill Clinton's former girlfriends) who will pop up and accuse him of harassment.  All these dumb girls are not doing badly for making bad allegations that destroy reputations of good leaders are they?   God know's Roy Moore's heart, and ultimately I believe Moore will be vindicated - however, it may get ugly before he does.

Judge Roy Moore

The second victim of these allegations is even more shocking and unlikely, and that is former President George Bush Sr.  Apparently not one, but two, paid skanks came forward to accuse the former President of goosing their fannies or something, which knowing Bush Sr's character is absurd.  I have never been a fan of Bush Sr. - I personally never liked him much, and thought he was dull, had the personality of a garden snail, and as a leader he was not all that effective either.  But, for heaven's sake, this is a bit too much - despite his limitations, I hardly think that poor old Bush Sr. ever copped a feel on a girl's bum aside from maybe his wife Barbara.  Honestly, I think someone got him mixed up with this guy, who was his successor: 

And, here is where that double-standard sets in.  I find it interesting that they are trying to cull up crap on poor old dull George Bush the First, who hasn't even been in the public eye for years, but then old Slick Willie, who has a notorious reputation for womanizing and having sex with anything in a skirt, is not even mentioned.  And, what of ol' "Uncle Joe" Biden, our former VP?  He was touching underage girls all over, but nothing there either - hmmmm!!  It is interesting how selective the press is about who it drags up allegations about, and if they like a public figure, then it is conveniently swept under the rug.  It also is interesting that they dredged up poor old Bill Cosby as well (subject of an earlier article) while practically ignoring the sexploitation of other more recent stars who are noted for their promiscuity - Katy Perry, for one, brags about hers, and who knows what Rosie O'Donnell does when she and her friend Bill Clinton cruise the 'hood for chicks to pick up together.  Oh, but they are untouchable - the press likes them.  But, let someone threaten the established order and look what happens - there's hell to pay.  Double standards - don't you love them?

A new elite class of wealthy young skanks will soon occupy high-end neighborhoods of many communities, and they have the reputations of innocent men they accused to thank for their ill-gotten booty.  Imagine if a real investigation were conducted, and it would be discovered that many of the skanks hollering "sexual assault" against public figures they don't like were committing perjury and fraud - the prisons wouldn't be able to hold them all at this rate.  However, it is long overdue that many living in fancy houses may need to be carted off to the "big house," and they need to remember that in time lies tend to betray themselves and the truth will prevail.  It may take some time, but it will be inevitable.  Problem is, in the meantime the reputations of honorable people who could have done much for society will be destroyed, and the evil that pervades our society now will continue unabated, and more damage will be done as our enemies will feel empowered after moving the last opposition to their agendas out of their way.  But, judgement is coming, and Lord help the evil plotters and schemers, as well as the skanks and tramps they pay to destroy innocent people in the name of "sexual allegations."  

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