Monday, May 7, 2012

What the Week Holds

I regret that I may not be able to write as much, being I am starting back to graduate school and in a month and a half I will be focusing on learning theological Greek, which should keep me busy for a while.  Therefore, I am writing more now to take up the slack that will be happening in due time, so hope you don't mind a few more frequent posts.

Graduate school - that was something that was long in coming.  It is hard to believe it has been 16 years since I got my Bachelor's, and I really wanted to by this point have my graduate work out of the way.  However, over the past several years I had gotten seriously sidetracked, and it wasn't the greatest thing to happen honestly.   Talk about feeling like a proverbial "fish out of water," I surely did!  As I have been looking back on it recently, I have had to ask myself, "what on earth happened??"  I have to be honest now as I write this - 46 jobs in 20 years is not a great track record, yet unfortunately that has been mine.  Of course, objectively many of those have been limited contract positions for me, but still - I often have the feeling that I have not accomplished a lot, and I do get bothered by that on occasion.   And, also quite honestly, I hate the corporate world, especially the larger companies who often treat their employees like commodities to be terminated and traded at will.   This happened fairly recently when a large corporation I was contracted with just cut me loose without as much as a chance - they encouraged us, of course, to ask questions, but when you do ask about something, the management sees it as a sign of weakness and that you are a "weak link" in their chain or something - I mean, seriously, God forbid the CEO loses a few stock points because you had the audacity to ask a question so you could perform your duties more effectively!!  I have said it for years, and continue to say it - corporate executives are from an entirely different universe in many cases than the rest of us, and they cannot face the possibility that people have limitations and may need a little help on occasion.  Of course, these are the same people that also would sell their own mother to increase their accounts, as it seems as if their only motivating factor is greed.   Greed has many temples these days, and its Vatican is Wall Street.   Corporate America is a petri dish for the "grand experiment" of social Darwinism, and has been for at least two centuries.  Of course, I have bellyached about this before, so I won't belabor the point, except to say that if I had my way, there would be no Fortune 500 corporations - I would disband them all and encourage small business instead, as the quality of both the service and the product is so much better.  However, we will save that for another discussion.

I guess a disclaimor is in order here too - my comments above, lest they be misconstrued, in no way advocate support for the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, and here is why.  While I can appreciate one aspect of OWS fighting against corporate greed, the problem with them is that they are just a rehashed hippie movement and they want to demand to get something for nothing - in other words, they want to exchange Corporate America for Big Brother (ie: big centralized government), and that is going from bad to worse.   Small government and small business are the way to go, and NO ONE should inhibit anyone from the pursuit of legitimate wealth, nor should the government tax people to death to steal their wealth either.   OK, NOW we are done with the subject!

Anyway, back to graduate school.  I feel like I am in for an adjustment concerning that, but it is an adjustment I am ready to take because it is long overdue.   And, I definitely have my work cut out - this is the first of two Masters degrees I will be working on.   I love research, and am one of those people that just has to keep my mind active.  Over the past several years, a part of me has felt incomplete as a result, but once I got that acceptance letter from my school it brought so much back into focus.  I haven't quite figured out the direction I need to go yet with all of this, but I am sure at the right times things will begin to unfold. 

That being said, I will go for now and leave you with these thoughts for the week, but I will surely return later.  Have a good week all.

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