Mitt Romney is not my first choice of candidate, but being we have a two-party system it seems like in this country, he is the best option mainly because he is the proverbial "lesser of two evils." Although he is too centrist to be conservative unfortunately, nonetheless he does have conservative backing and it is hoped that the backing he is getting will exert some influence on the way he does things if he is elected. Some of my fellow conservatives have tried to oppose him because he is Mormon, but I do not think this is a valid reason. We are, after all, electing a President, and not nominating the pastor of our local church, so that makes little difference.
I additionally would give my support to Romney because despite any issues, he is at least native-born - no one can be all that sure about Obama at this point, being he lied about his last birth certificate. And, contrary to a lot of accusations flying around from the Left out there, our opposition to Obama has nothing to do with his skin color - it must be understood that it is politics and not pigmentation that we have issue with. Personally, I voted for Alan Keyes in the last election, who is also Black. That being said, let me summarize why we need to rally around someone who has a chance to get Obama out of office for good.
We do need a change, but not the "change" Obama proposed as that has been for the worst. Rather, we need positive change, a return of someone like Ronald Reagan who can restore this nation's greatness. Whether Romney is up to the task or not remains to be seen, but for now he may be all we have. Therefore, vote for change in the White House first, and then change in the nation will follow.
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