Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Need For Change

I have often tried to keep my stuff here sort of light-hearted, saving my weightier issues for my other website postings, but today I wanted to address some things I have been ruminating on regarding the current state of our nation, as the need to get back to simpler ways of doing things is something we need to seriously consider.   What I feel is the problem in this nation now involves a combination of bureaucratic fat cats, corrupt politicians, greedy corporations, and agendas that do not adequately address the true views of many of us.   These things are killing the US as a national entity, and a majority of people seem to go on, wearing their colored lenses, not realizing or carying about that fact.   And, while many of our people remain blissfully ignorant, politicians and their corporate czar puppet-masters are too stupid and blinded by their own agendas to see the real problem - they are out to serve their own interests only and to hell with the rest of us.   Therefore, it is my conclusion that we can neither trust nor rely upon them anymore and need to take matters into our own hands.  I have a few ideas as to how to facilitate that.

First, and foremost, we need a major reformation in our government.   The Feds are too powerful, too self-serving, and have lost touch with the rest of us.   Therefore, I believe the time has come for us, the taxpayers who allot them their salary, to downsize and fire them.   Government needs to be channeled back into local hands and way from the I-95 Beltway.   If we reduce Washington's hold on us, we will begin to see a difference in our society almost immediately.

Secondly, we need to go after these big corporations, who seem to think they have a carte blanche to muscle out competition and swallow up small businesses in order to build yet another Wal-Mart, Starbuck's, CVS, or McDonalds on yet another street corner where 5 of them exist within a 1-mile radius.  The small business is the one that needs our patronage and support, and some ridiculously restrictive regulations need to be lifted so small business can thrive again.   One very excellent organization that has proven itself in advancing this cause is the Institute for Justice headquartered in Arlington, VA.   The IJ has for about 20 years striven to help the struggling entrepreneurs and cottage industries be able to freely and productively contribute quality service to their respective communities, and in doing so, some decisive blows have been dealt to abusive laws and cartels of bureaucrats who seek to destroy people's homes and livelihoods in order to fatten their own bank accounts.   Be sure to check out their website at  Give them and other good organizations like them your support,because these are the people in the trenches fighting for your rights. 

Another thing also that needs to happen is that we, who are of like mind and outlook, need to work together.   I fully believe that things such as community commercial gardens, medical co-ops, and community foodshare distributions are good things that can benefit all people of a community, regardless of social strata.   Examples of these type of projects include Patchwork Farms in the Chicago area, Angel Food Ministries, and Foodshare (the latter both being nationwide), as well as other similar programs.   The way these institutions and others similar work is that a certain part of the community contributes to the project, and the participants then all reap the benefits.   Also, it provides food for the less-fortunate, the elderly, and others as well at a rate that is either affordable or charitable if the recipient cannot afford it.   Medical co-ops are another good idea, and to offset this Obamacare mess.   More local communities should think about and consider co-ops for medical care to make it more affordable for all people.  It would take a lot of research and more space than allowed here for me to really line-out this idea, but I feel it would be something many could benefit from.

The main elements missing from our society can be summarized as follows:

1.  Self-sufficiency
2.  Biblical patterns
3.  Community cooperation
4.  Local citizen-based government

All of these are important elements our society sorely lacks, as we have been mauled over by huge corporations and an invasive government bureaucracy that promotes the interests of an elitist class of special-interests over the general welfare of the people, and these corporate money-grubbers and government bureaucrats advance their agendas through intimidation, ponderous and redundant legislation, and stepping into places they don't belong.  Until we understand that, we will continue to regress as an oppressed nation until our ultimate demise as a result, and we really need to take control back from these elitist scum and get the vision that our survival depends upon getting back to our fundamental core values.   That being said, I will conclude for today but hope to share more in the near future.  

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