Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Dealing with Antisemitism and Conspiracy Theories Among Fellow Traditionalists

I make no apologies about being a Traditionalist in the truest sense - those who know me will attest to that.  I have the following credo I subscribe to in regard to my personal worldview:

Politically Monarchist
Philosophically Thomist
Economically Distributist
Religiously Catholic
Morally Traditionalist

As all of this, I am also culturally American and that necessitates realizing that a diversity of ethnicities and cultures makes up not only America, but also the Church - the Church is an institution that embraces all ethnicities and cultures, and thus this means there is only one race - HUMAN!!  Therefore, it has always been inconsciable to me for someone who claims to be a Catholic Traditionalist engaging in behavior that contradicts the mission of the Church.  Recently, I have seen this behavior displayed on certain social media outlets where Traditionalists have pages and groups, and the behavior I have seen has been shocking.   I have heard some of these people actually make derisive comments about Jews in particular as "big-nosed power grabbers" and other derogatory terms, language that is more suitable to a follower of Hitler than for a follower of Christ.  I have also heard expressions of the "Two-Percent Control" conspiracy - the same old "Zionist conspiracy" theory that asserts that because 2% of the most powerful echelon of humanity control 98% of the wealth and power are somehow culturally Jewish (which is also a myth), that implicates the whole Jewish nation as being somehow "evil" and thus an object of hatred.  The people who advance this myth are functional idiots honestly, despite how "Catholic" they sound, and for them to actually believe this garbage means that their Catholic faith is to be called into question.   I also feel the same way about some who advance the "Vatican control" conspiracies too.  Anti-Catholicism and antisemitism are both evil, immoral, and sinful, and no professing Christian of any confession needs to be giving these myths any credibility.   After watching a documentary series about the "inner circle" of Hitler's henchmen, I also have reaffirmed that antisemitism is at its root satanic and pagan, and thus has no place in traditional Catholic worldview.  For professed Catholics therefore to embrace such nonsense calls into question the sincerity of their Christianity.  That is why I feel compelled to address this issue. 

Christianity - and Catholic Christianity in particular - owes much to the Jewish people.  After all, it was the Jewish nation that gave us the Savior we worship, and it also has given us a lot of the patrimony of our own Tradition.   That being said, Judaism and Christianity both have contributed to the betterment of Western civilization, although Christianity has the fullness of Revelation which perfects civilization.  Therefore, the Church has historically maintained that God has not forgotten the Jewish people, and indeed we as the Church are to love them and pray for their conversion.  It is the Church who then, in true Traditionalist understanding, becomes the protector and preserver of the Jewish nation, in that God's plan is to have a future "ingrafting" of natural Israel (the Jews) into spiritual Israel (the Church).  This means therefore that antisemitism from a traditional Catholic viewpoint is pointless, illogical, and at its core anti-Christian.  And, this is why it must be rejected by those professing Christianity. 

Now, love and respect for the Jewish nation does not equate with Christian Zionism, nor does it mean that there is some antinomian grace that Jews have by their status, as some misguided Protestant Evangelicals have wrongly proposed.  Jews, like the rest of humanity, are prone to sin and some do sin.  The person who subscribes to ridiculous conspiracy theories has to, however, understand two important things  First the sin of the individual does not implicate the nation.  Secondly, many people who possess Jewish heritage (George Soros comes to mind) yet engage in anti-Christian activities with great influence actually do so in spite of their heritage and not because of it.  Freud, Marx, and Spinoza may have been ethnically Jewish, but what they did was based on individual choice and was not in part due to their heritage.   Every ethnicity has good and bad people - not every German, for instance, is Hitler, and not every Black person is Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan.   That same consideration equally applies to the Jewish people as well.   And, not every Traditionalist is an anti-semite either - as a matter of fact, a self-professed Traditionalist who embraces antisemitism does so in spite of his or her faith, and not because of it.   It is time we start to accept that fact. 

That leads to my final point.  The modern nation of Israel exists because God allowed it to, and it I believe exists for the purpose of the "ingrafting," the great conversion of the Jewish people to the fullness of Christian truth.  That then means that we cannot sanction everything the state of Israel does as "good" (despite what some Evangelicals think) because Israel is led by fallible human beings just as any other nation is, and thus they will get things wrong.  Therefore, you can support Israel without endorsing everything Israel does as a nation.   That is a fresh perspective you won't hear a lot either.  

This also means that a self-professed Traditionalist Catholic needs to do some self-examination as well.  Many of these people are sticklers for doing things "liturgically correct" - they think it is "blasphemy," for instance, to receive Communion in the hand rather than on the tongue, and many outside this community do not realize what a big issue of debate this really is.  Yet, those who decry Communion received in the hand as somehow "blasphemous" often commit the greater blasphemy of receiving Communion properly in external action without allowing Christ to utilize supernatural grace to transform them within.  They are dutifully taking Communion while their minds are far from Christ, and that is a serious problem.   Given that is theological in scope, more will be said on that at some future point on my other blog site.  However, Traditionalists need to exercise care to not be inconsistent. 

I have said my piece for today, and will see you again soon. 

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