Friday, March 15, 2019

On A Serious Note - Immigration Hypocrisy

The issue of illegal immigration has been a central topic of discussion, especially in regard to the border wall Trump wants to build.  There are passionate positions on both sides of the issue, but passion doesn't necessarily equal truthfulness.  In reality, illegal immigration is a major issue, and while I won't go into all the reasons as to why that is, suffice to say there are some individuals (namely the bestial MS-13 gangbangers and potential Islamic terrorists, not to mention those trafficking in human slavery and illegal drugs) that do not need to be in this country because they pose a serious threat to the stability of our society.  However, there are those - particularly on the left end of the political spectrum - who want open and unrestricted immigration, and that leads to a couple of things I want to address in my discourse here.

The first question we need to ask is this - are progressive Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, and Beto O'Rourke really as pro-immigration as they like to say they are?  Looking at the evidence, it looks to me like many of them - including their "savior" Obama - called for a wall and secure borders long before Trump even considered a run for the White House, so how did he get the blame for it?  All evidence indicates that Pelosi and Company became "anti-wall" only after Trump pushed for a wall, which leads to another question - are the really pro-immigration, or are they just anti-Trump?  Admittedly, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, as I am a conservative independent and honestly didn't think he had a serious chance.  There are still minor things I disagree with him on even now, but for the most part, I cannot really complain much about his Presidency - he has gotten some stuff done, and he has also diffused a lot of crap Obama imposed on the American people.  But, I am not exactly what you would call a Trump supporter - where he does good, he deserves credit, and where he is wrong he should be called out on it.  But, that being said, I am also not anti-Trump or "Never-Trump" either - destroying our legally-elected President is not an agenda item of mine, nor will it be either, as honestly, I have better things to do.  That all being said, it is now time to ask the important third question that is to be the crux of my talk today.

The third question that requires discussion is this - what types of immigrants are the Democrats supporting to come into this country?  The evidence shows that Democrats are not as "pro-immigrant" as they claim to be, and I want to share an example to prove it.  A good friend of mine who I do know personally, Assyrian-American attorney Robert DeKelaita, has been an immigration attorney and advocate in Chicago for years.  His efforts have helped untold numbers of Assyrians and other persecuted Middle Eastern Christian minorities escape persecution in their homelands and find new lives in the US and elsewhere.  So, what did the "pro-immigrant" Democrats do to Robert?  On September 23, 2014, the Obama Administration spearheaded efforts that led to the indictment of Robert on 14 counts of "numerous violations, including immigration fraud," and they essentially alleged that he fudged applicants' immigration applications in order to get them "pushed through" the system.  Of those original 14 counts, all were eventually reduced down to 5 when even the prosecution had to withdraw a lot of them due to what I see as lack of evidence, and the jury rejected at least two others which reduced the counts to three - when all was said and done, there was actually only one which in reality was so heavily debated that it was deemed a "close call."  As it turned out, that particular count was brought by an asylum seeker who acknowledged lying in his testimony in order to get into the US on a marriage visa - he owned a liquor store originally in Iraq that was blown up by Islamist terrorists and the subsequent event cost the life of his business partner, which is why he had to flee the land of his birth to save his life.  Ironically, on the very same day as Robert's trial, the Obama Administration issued an executive action to the Supreme Court protecting Central American refugees (some of whom were possibly MS-13 gangsters and such) from deportation - I guess Assyrian Christian refugees who are real victims of persecution and are actually running for their lives from ISIS terrorists trying to slaughter them don't carry as much clout as MS-13 gangsters from Honduras wanting to expand their drug running into California, do they?  Apparently, for Democrats, money talks, and rich drug kingpins have more of that than Assyrian Christians whose families were under fire in Baghdad.  That is why Robert DeKelaita got indicted but openly illegal immigrant attorney Cesar Vargas still runs free, and can practice law in this country although he is an illegal himself - the irony escapes the Democrats there, doesn't it?  (information is taken from "The Unethical Prosecution of an Assyrian Attorney," published 1/4/2018 at - accessed 3/14/2019)

My friend and Assyrian-American immigration attorney Robert DeKelaita

Let's now contrast Robert DeKelaita with Cesar Vargas.  DeKelaita is a legal immigrant who is now an American citizen, having escaped persecution with his family in Iraq at the age of 10.  He is the embodiment of the American dream, and he has worked hard to be where he is.  He also wants to aid his people as well and puts himself on the line to do so.  Now, let's look at Cesar Vargas.  He is called by liberal buttkissers "one of New York's first Undocumented Lawyers," as if it were a badge of honor.  In a puff-piece about Vargas, writer Alyse Kalish touts his "stellar character" and other stuff that serves as a propaganda piece for the "Dreamers" advocates (Alyse Kalish, "Cesar Vargas: One of NY's First Undocumented Lawyers," publishing date unavailable at - Accessed 3/15/2019).  However Kalish ignores something very important - if Vargas is "undocumented," then how can he uphold a law code he himself violates??   No evidence suggests DeKelaita did that, but plenty exists for Vargas, something that conservative television host Tucker Carlson reamed him on a couple of years ago on his Fox Network broadcast.  So, if DeKelaita was indicted on a bunch of stuff that was later thrown out, then why is Vargas running free?  That question is bugging me a lot lately.  Also, it doesn't help either that Vargas has a face you just want to slap - he's whiney, smug, and flouts his illegal status as if it is some badge of honor, yet the same Obama Administration that threw Robert DeKelaita to the wolves has done nothing.  The hypocrisy is overwhelming at this point.  

Illegal alien and immigration attorney Cesar Vargas

On a note of good news, Trump's Presidency has recently brought some vindication for Robert, as finally in 2017 he was acquitted of all charges (as he should have been) and the support of the Assyrian-American community in Chicago and nationwide has been heartwarming.  He is going to be releasing a book of his ordeal soon (which I will definitely read!) and it looks like as of the recent date he is finally able to get his life back on track, and may God bless him and his family as he does so.  

The persecution of Robert DeKelaita is yet another evidence of how the Left seeks to silence those that disagree with their own revisionist narrative - whether it is ruining the business of Jack Phillips, the Christian baker in Colorado who refused to bake a "gay wedding" cake, or the character assassination of Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School student who was threatened by a bogus Native American veteran and a religious cult of Black racists, or the attempted silencing of Judge Jeannine Pirro, Tucker Carlson, Dinesh D'Souza, Alex Jones, and others, it reveals more about our enemies than it does us.  The Left - especially this new imploding radical strain of Progressivism - is not interested in dialogue or discussion.  Rather, they want complete agreement with and endorsement of their false narratives, and if anyone doesn't comply they are to be destroyed.  And, as we see, more lunatics are taking reign over the asylum, and our nation descends further into insanity.  Unless we have a radical change to curb this nonsense, Western Civilization itself may be threatened, and if it is that means doom to us all.  Thanks for allowing me to share this today.

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