Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Thrower Philosophical Code - Part I

This is something I came up with some years ago, expressing my beliefs and convictions in the form of proverbs.   I got the idea from my good friend and literary mentor Robert Newton Peck, who was noted for doing extemporaneous proverbial thoughts as part of his writing technique.  This is a little more organized, but along the same lines.  

Some of my views of course have evolved and changed since those days, but I still want to present and preserve the best of them, as well as adding some new ones, so this is a work in progress.

1.  CONVICTION IS CROWNED OVER CURRENCY.  Careers are based on interest and not on income.  One's happiness at doing what he likes is reward enough.

2.  BOAST ABILITY AND NOT PROBABILITY.  Do not make commitments in haste, but look at a situation from all angles.  Announce intentions before you execute them.

3.  THE PROBLEM IS INDIVIDUAL AND NOT GROUP.  A disagreement with another must be taken up with the offending party as an individual and not with the ethnicity, religion, etc., with which he identifies.

4.  Admit your faults, and no one will condemn you for them.

5.  OPEN EARS, CLOSE MOUTH, NOURISH BRAIN.  Wisdom comes from listening not talking.

6.  UNITY OF MIND AND SPIRIT A MUST!  A man's intellect will shape his views of spiritual things.  The better the intellect, the more focused one's faith.

7.  CRYPTIC CRITICISM CURBS COMMUNAL CURSE.  Keep quiet about others in public, and take your offenses to the offender.  That way, no retaliation will befall you.  Also, a trusted confidante will prove a valuable asset when such issues arise.

8.  WHEN IN DOUBT, SPEAK OUT!  If you have a serious concern, let your feelings be known to the appropriate parties, showing them they cannot walk over you.  If they attempt to tread on your back, they will have their day to come.

9.  MORE THAN ONE SLEEVE HOLDS MORE TRICKS.  Plan ahead, but provide alternatives in case the first plan is unsuccessful.

10.  DON'T GIVE WHAT YOU DESIRE TO KEEP.  Never loan anyone anything that you cherish or have value for, because you may never see them again.

11.  PASS ON MORE THAN YOUR GENES AND FORTUNE.  WRITE down your memoirs, save everything, and leave a legacy for your children.  It is the most valued possession you can leave to them.

12.  DON'T GIVE TILL IT HURTS.  Never give to others if it deprives your own fundamental needs, for those you extend charity to may not do the same for you when you lack.

13.  DIVERSION PREVENTS DIVISION.  Spend time alone on occasion for a stronger marriage.  Absence indeed makes the heart grow fonder.



16.  DON'T MESH, DON'T TALK.  If you find little in common talking with someone, and do not feel you can connect, do not press the issue.

17. COMMON GROUND IS NOT CONQUERED TERRITORY.    Share and be enthusiastic about who you are as an individual with an unique identity, but do not impose your interests on the person you are sharing with.  Common things are better discovered at mutual will.

18.  DON'T KNOW, DON'T TALK.  If your knowledge does not extend to a certain area, don't act like you know what you are talking about.

19.  IF YOU KNOW DO NOT FLAUNT.  A person who truly has knowledge of something does not have to advertise it.  Their expertise in the field will speak for itself.

20.  SUBTLE IS POLITE.  Argue your point discreetly if possible.  If this doesn't work, go back to #8.

21.  WAIT, DO NOT IMPOSE.  If you have a really pressing need someone will see it and assist you.   If they do not, then ask and offer something in return.

22.  REAL RELIGION IS MORE THAN "MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO."   God expects individuals to be as they are created to be, and therefore we are not to do anythinhg in His house out of our characters, despite the peer pressure of the crowd.

23.  IGNORANCE NOT DESERVING OF BEING EXCUSED OR TOLERATED.  People whom you encounter who are beyond reason are to be disregarded, as it is a waste of time to debate your virtues and their shortcomings anyway. 

24.  EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY.  If revenge is out of your means, then do not worry about it;  if the person who wronged you is guilty, then that individual will be dealt with justly by higher authorities.

25.  MENTORING IS A MUST.  It is eternally essential to be guided by one who is older and wiser as you proceed on life's pilgrimage.  Let this individual impart to you the precious gift of their wisdom, as it is a high honor.

26.  REMEMBER THE PRICK OF A BYGONE THORN.  Learn from, analyze, and evaluate your mistakes, as error can be a competent teacher if you listen to it the first time.

27.  A CRAB APPLE AND A WASHINGTON RED ARE APPLES IN NAME ONLY.  Two things may seem alike on the surface, but are vastly different when you get beyond externals.

28.  TRADITION IS PARAMOUNT IF IT IS ORTHODOX.  Do not disregard traditions of the past,  and only do away with them if they are more harm than good.

29.  SILENCE IS GOLDEN WHERE EXPRESSION IS RIDICULED.  Do not share your dreams and desires with those who won't appreciate them, as you will only cheapen yourself by doing so.

30.  HOLD IT, DON'T BLUDGEON!  If you have done a good favor for someone who does you wrong later, politely remind them of the fact without beating them over the head with it.

31.  DUCKS IN A ROW ARE BETTER THAN STRAY GOATS.   Organizing, documenting, and ordering your life's activities should always be paramount.  Always know what everything is and where it is at.

32.  PACE DON'T PUSH.  Mindset is important in concentration.  Do not attempt a task if distraction is immanent.  Do your best, and do not try to exceed your limits.

33.  DO NOT IMPOSE YOUR WELCOME.  When a guest in someone's home, do not help yourself to their amenities unless invited to do so.  Further, treat your guests in the same manner, as they should not impose themselves on your home either. 

34.  SEE THE ROSES AS WELL AS THE THORNS.  Despite individual shortcomings we all have, everyone has good qualities.  Give credit where credit is due, despite personal feelings.

35.  DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THE PREJUDICED.  Be prejudiced against racism and racists, and in a desperate circumstance, and ONLY if necessary, use violence if a bigot's actions prove serious enough to warrant such extremes.

36.  STEP AHEAD, AND YOU WILL NOT BE LEFT IN YOUR OWN TRACKS.  Prepare for problems, and protect yourself from people or circumstances that prove threatening.

37.  REWARD YOUR MENTORS.  Keep in touch with influential people, as your accomplishments will be a reward to them as well as yourself.  Likewise, make an effort to keep in contact with those you teach, influence, and guide.

38.  BE EXTREME BUT NOT CRAZY.  It is fine to be a radical, as long as you stay within societal norms.  It is fine to be eccentric, but not psychotic.   Eccentrism can add color to your persona soli.

39.  TASTE A LOT OF PIES, BUT FAVOR ONLY ONE.  Learn as much as possible about a number of disciplines, but master only one.  All the rest will find their application as life's pilgrimage progresses.

40.  HAVE SOLITUDE WITHOUT BEING SOLITARY.  Everyone needs time to themselves without distraction, and it is recommended to allow for this practice of self-reflection for a specified period of time daily - it helps one to be more focused.

41.  BEWARE OF STATIC KLINGONS!!  When people latch onto you too closely, and you feel sapped by them and their presence, back away to prevent future issues from arising, as they surely will!

More to come on Part II....

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